Currently, many countries are switching from the use of gasoline and diesel cars to electric ones. A number of countries are even planning to completely ban the use of ICE vehicles on their territory in the next few years. But this does not happen to ATVs (quad runners). Of course, there are electric ATVs, but so far they are low-power, are used exclusively for children and have a cruising range of not more than 50 km. The majority of ATVs use gasoline engines. Now we are going to consider the harm such vehicles cause to nature.
If we compare the gasoline engine of a car and the gasoline engine of an ATV, it turns out that the engine of a car is much more environmentally friendly than the one for an ATV. When developing a car engine, serious engineering personnel are involved, the latest achievements of science and technology are used, besides, the produced engines are required to meet high environmental standards. However, this is not the same for ATV engines; environmental standards either do not apply to them, or apply to a much lesser extent than to automobile ones. The exhaust system of ATVs is very simple. It often has no filters, no gas sensors, no catalysts, or a good muffler. As a result, the emissions of greenhouse gases, toxic gases and harmful substances into the atmosphere as well as noise from one engine of the ATV exceed those from several car engines.
Now let us consider the very operation of ATVs. They are used mainly outside paved roads, on impassable roads, in rural areas and in the wild. Naturally, the load on all parts and components of the ATV is much higher than on the car. But the quality of manufacturing ATVs is lower than the quality of manufacturing automobiles. Severe operating conditions and mechanical damage lead to the fact that oil hoses, the fuel pipe, the engine cooling system and lubrication from friction shafts get damaged and flow. As a result, the ATV turns into a broken tanker, followed by a trace of leaking oil, dripping gasoline and shafts grease. Damage to the exhaust system is also frequent, and then the ATV turns into a very loud vehicle, the noise from which can be heard for several kilometers. Cars are mainly used on paved roads and the pollution they spread around is localized mostly to them. But ATVs are used in the wild, in the countryside. There is much more harm from them as they directly act upon unprotected nature.
If we want to protect our green world and if we want to leave it green to our descendants, we must stop polluting our fields, forests, rivers and groves with exhaust gases, gasoline, oils and the noise of working engines. It is necessary that we switch to environmentally friendly electric modes of transport.