
We have tested new motor wheels and controllers for the all-terrain vehicle 3.0
All-terrain Vehicle 3.0 News
Riding on snow. So here we are we got to the snow in our all-terrain vehicle and as a matter of fact these are the conditions for which the ATV was designed. It's spring and heavy slip discovering all the fields around. Look there's water under the snow. For six or eight wheels ATVs like ARGO such snow is unpassable on wheels and even using caterpillar tracks cannot help snow would still be a seious obstacle. The things is that such ATVs have a very low ground clearance. Now take a look at Green Scout all-terrain vehicle: it's ground clearance is more than 45 centimeters. Green Scout can travel on snow due to it's suspension.
Riding on snow
This is so cool! We are stuck, but you can pool away from asphalted roads as much as you want with our Green Scout ATV. Find the best mud pit, speed up and get stuck on it! And feel free to dig in the dirt all day long.
We are stuck.
Hi everybody. This spring we got out into nature and decided to take a little ride in the fields, in the snow and in the mud. Our ATV carried 5 passengers without any problems. The all-terrain vehicle easily moves deep ditches at speed. In the video, our all-terrain vehicle drives through the most difficult snow for off-road traffic – wet, melting snow. Such a depth of snow is already an obstacle for argo all-terrain vehicles, they cannot ride on such snow because of their low ground clearance. If the all-terrain vehicle gets stuck in the snow, then we can reverse out. Any all-terrain vehicle gets stuck. So we're stuck and taking mud baths. Unfortunately, in Russia in the spring, people still use barbaric fallen grass. This leads to the death of plants, insects, animals, birds. Sometimes houses and entire villages burn down. And here is the result of the fire, we ourselves got into the fire. Our friend's car is on fire, the grass is burning under our all-terrain vehicle. Choosing electric all-terrain vehicles - you promise to save the environment. Save and protect our green planet.
Our spring ATV adventures in snow, mud and fire
On September 25, an Educational and entertainment Festival of Electric Transport was held in Skolkovo near Moscow.Moscow ElectroFest Street Cross.Skolkovo is a special state-supported center for innovative technologies and promising developments.In addition to entertainment events, this ElectroFest also hosted an exhibition with presentations of new electric vehicles, charging stations and batteries.There was also an active business program.
GreenScout representatives visit the ELECTRODAY exhibition in Skolkovo.


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